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Volunteers wanted to attack lantana

Volunteers are being sought for a community effort on Sunday, August 6, to help rid Mazlin Farm in Pearl Beach of lantana thickets.

The farm, now owned by Gosford Council, is adjacent to the Cromellin Arboretum and is being regenerated as a bush corridor between the arboretum and the national park surrounding Pearl Beach.

Gosford Council bushcare officer Ms Robyn Urquhart and National Parks and Wildlife Services bushcare coordinator Gosford area Ms Deb Holloman will assist Pearl Beach bush regeneration volunteers.

Professional bush regenerators from Tentacle Inc have volunteered their services.

Pearl Beach resident Ms Lynda Morrison of Tentacle will demonstrate how to make small lantana rafts as a temporary habitat for evicted wildlife.

"Lantana's dense arching canes act as nesting and sheltered habitat but stop Aussie plants from growing," said Pearl Beach Bushcare convenor Ms Tara Allen.

She said rafting allowed the protection offered by lantana to be removed gradually.

"Eventually the rafts rot as mulch," she said.

In the meantime, the wildlife remained protected while native plants regenerated.

"Our group needs help to rid the site of lantana to regenerate our creek bordered bushland."

Ms Urquhart said: "Pearl Beach Bushcare initiated a grant from the Australian Government Envirofund for a professional company to begin primary weeding.

"The group has worked and planted on the site and our big open community effort is the next step to allow the native seed bed to grow in its natural diversity."

All volunteers will be given a safety induction and face mask, advice about personal protective clothing.

No chemicals or chain saws, power tools or machetes will be allowed on site.

Secateurs and loppers or hand loppers are allowed and some hand tools will be provided.

All volunteers will be given a ticket to a free Gosford Council Bushcare barbecue at midday and will meet environment author and Pearl Beach resident Dr Vincent Serventy who will present a signed copy of a book on endangered wildlife.

All volunteers must book by contacting Robyn Urquhart on 4325 8195.

For more information contact Tara Allen on 4342 0378.

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