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Women's Day presentation

A forum to celebrate International Women's Day was presented by female students at Brisbane Water Secondary College recently.

It was one of the most impressive activities ever presented in the college, according to principal Mr Pat Lewis.

Led by deputy principal Pamela McAlister, school Captain and Vice Captain Samantha Sultana and Emily Francis were joined by Rebecca Gaston, Jacqui Steward, Karly McLaren, and Lisa Sareyeldinin to present the forum to female students from both campuses together with female family members and many female members of staff.

The gathering also welcomed three special guests to the celebration.

The first of these was Anita Selwin, an elder from the Mingaletta community, who welcomed all to Darkinjung lands and later told some of her story in which she moved with determination from limited educational opportunities, through several TAFE diplomas to her current university studies.

Children's magistrate from Woy Woy Court, Ms Elizabeth Ellis, also described how she had grasped opportunities to train in the law and move on a non-traditional career path for women, and encouraged students present to do the same if such was their dream.

Ms Ellis pointed out to the girls present the strengths which women possessed and that these were more than sufficient to ensure their success in any career or life path they may wish to pursue.

Head Teacher PDHPE on the senior campus Ms Kirrily Harvey described her entry into teaching and the many and varied adventures she had experienced as a result of her taking advantage of opportunities when they were offered rather than just letting them pass by.

The keynote address was given by Deputy Regional Director for the Hunter Central Coast Department of Education and Training Ms Maree Roberts.

"In an inspiring presentation, Ms Roberts traced her own journey to the leadership position she now holds, reflected on the contributions of women who have fought for women's rights and the freedom of opportunity which women now enjoy, and expressed some hope for further improvements in the equality of opportunity and reward for women," Mr Lewis said.

"In particular, Ms Roberts emphasised that the women's movement is not a women versus men conflict but that men and women should work together as equals, each contributing the unique attributes which they possess.

"Following a wonderful slide presentation of a range of possible female role models and an outstanding vocal presentation by 2005 Year 12 student and Talent Development Project graduate, Tessa Nuku, a brief forum was held followed by morning tea.

"This completed an outstanding presentation and a further tribute to the teaching of values which is such a hallmark of the college."

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