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Former student is youth ambassador

A former student of Brisbane Water Secondary College has been selected as a youth ambassador for the Australian Limousin Cattle Breed Society.

"One of the outstanding students from Brisbane Water Secondary College's HSC class of 2005 has gone on to further honours since leaving the school," college principal Mr Pat Lewis said.

"Ashley Austin has been selected by the Australian Limousin Cattle Breed Society to be a Youth Ambassador at the upcoming International Limousin Cattle Conference to be held in conjunction with the Sydney Royal Easter Show in April.

"Throughout her six years at the college, Ashley was a stalwart of the college cattle club, earning numerous ribbons in shows for parading, judging and preparing limousin cattle at shows throughout NSW and in Brisbane.

"As part of her ambassador's role, Ashley will be greeting international visitors, presenting awards at the main conference dinner and in the judging ring, and supervising in the hospitality tent within the cattle pavilion.

"This role will be a great addition to Ashley's studies in Rural Science at the University of New England at Armidale and will add greatly to her resume when she graduates."

College agriculture teacher Mr Rob Forsberg said: "This is an outstanding achievement for Ashley, who gained many fine results in the agricultural arena while representing the college and Umina campus Limousin cattle stud at a range of agricultural shows throughout NSW.

"Ashley, along with five other junior ambassadors, was selected from young men and women who were actively involved in the production and showing of the Limousin breed of cattle from all over Australia."

The youth ambassadors will be included in all aspects of the International Limousin Cattle core conference in Sydney in April.

"Ashley will undoubtedly do an excellent job," Mr Forsberg said.

The youth ambassadors will be sponsored by the Australian Limousin Breeders Society with clothing and some conference costs.

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