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Andrews praises residents' spirit

Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews has praised local residents for their strong sense of community following the devastating bushfires that spread through the Woy Woy Bays area on New Year's Day.

"The community spirit was simply terrific," Ms Andrews said.

"Neighbours could not do enough to support those who had lost all their possessions or who had sustained property damage.

"This is the great positive about the Woy Woy Peninsula community.

"When someone is in urgent need, local residents will rally around and go out of their way to improve the lot of those who have gone through a really traumatic experience."

The Premier Mr Morris Iemma, who accompanied Ms Andrews on an inspection of affected areas on the second day after the disaster, also highly commended the community's spirit.

"Morris Iemma was clearly very impressed with the sheer courage and tenacity of those who had lost everything," Ms Andrews said.

"He was also moved to see how neighbours and the community at large had rallied around to support the victims of the New Year's Day bushfires."

Following on from the Premier's visit, the Central Coast was officially declared a Natural Disaster area.

This declaration ensured that the Central Coast was eligible for additional assistance under the Natural Disaster Relief arrangements.

For more information on what their entitlements might be, persons affected by the bushfires are advised to phone the hotline through the Department of Community Services (DOCS) on 1800 018 444.

"The fact that property damage and loss were kept to a minimum under extremely hazardous conditions is undoubtedly due to the courageous efforts of the local volunteers and other firefighters," Ms Andrews said.

"There were also personnel from a number of other State Government agencies, local government and non-government organisations involved in the New Year's Day crisis and in providing ongoing support.

"On behalf of the local community, I wish to thank them for a job well done," Ms Andrews said.

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