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Tobacco causes many diseases

I'm not sure what research Kevin Duncan (Peninsula News Edition 107) conducted to conclude that smoking is not a major cause of cancer but it could not have been done here on Earth.

Tobacco smoke and its health effects is the single most researched health topic in the world.

Try entering "tobacco smoke health effects" into any search engine on the internet and read the first few thousand results.

Virtually every major health organisation in the world will list tobacco use as a major cause of cancer plus the cause of many other diseases.

Even the tobacco companies now admit their product kills people.

Mr. Duncan should research the work done by Sir Richard Doll in England in the 1950s. Sir Richard Doll was looking into the cause of the dramatic rise in lung cancer rates in England.

He suspected that air pollution from burning coal was the culprit.

He was surprised to find cigarette smoke was the cause.

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