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Australia Day plans for Woy Woy

Dance displays, performances, youth concerts and fireworks will all be among the events to be held on Australia Day, January 26, at Anderson Park, Woy Woy.

The Peninsula Dance and Theatre School will hold a dance display at 3pm on the main stage along with children's activities outside the CWA Hall and a painting competition inside the CWA Hall.

Children's activities in the hall will finish at 6pm.

At this time the tall ship STS Wutuku will start cruises around Riley's Island with live entertainment by singer and guitarist Linda Campbell.

Singer and guitarist Jennifer Herrick will entertain on the main stage at 3.30pm followed by Konfusion at 3.45pm.

Guitarist Bill Bekric will sing aboard the STS Wutuku at 4pm.

Singer and guitarist Mr Warren Targett will perform on the main stage at 4.05pm with Konfusion entertaining the crowd in surrounding areas from 4.30pm and Linda Campbell on the main stage at 4.35pm.

A youth concert has been planned for 5pm at the CWA Hall.

The youth concert will finish at 7pm.

A Taiko drum display by Rendra Freestone and the Rhythm Hunters will take place on the main stage at 5.10pm followed by the official welcome at 6pm.

The official welcome will involve an Aboriginal smoking ceremony, Member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews, Gosford mayor Cr Laurie Maher, ambassador and citizen of the year.

At 6.10pm a special presentation will be made to the New Years Day emergency services personnel.

The national anthem will be led by soloist Anna at 6.30pm, followed by the raising of the flag and the citizens affirmation pledge.

This will be followed by a chorus of "I am Australian" and "Waltzing Matilda".

Birthday cake will then be distributed on the main stage.

Bill Bekric will then perform on the main stage at 6.45pm with entertainment by The Usual Suspects aboard the STS Wutuku at 7pm.

A bush dance with the band Ryebuck will start at 7.15pm on the main stage.

A Troubadour concert will also commence at 8pm in the CWA Hall.

A flame will be symbolically transferred from the wharf to the fireworks barge by Fritz Baumung at 9.25pm, with fireworks starting at 9.30pm.

This will be followed by entertainment aboard the STS Wutuku by The Usual Suspects and friends at 9.45pm.

Dance will continue until 11pm when the event closes.

Children's rides featuring giant slide and cowboy capers will also feature at the event.

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