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Collapse Issue 128 - 17 Oct 2005Issue 128 - 17 Oct 2005
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Trust welcomes move on height limits

President of the Killcare Wagstaffe Trust Mr Eric Tucker has welcomed Gosford Council's reinstatement of three-storey height limits for buildings in the commercial areas of Ettalong and Umina.

He has called for the limit to remain at the two CBDs for future generations.

"Members of the Killcare Wagstaffe Trust attended the Gosford Council meeting on September 27 where a majority of councillor's reinstated the previously operating three-storey height limit for buildings in the commercial areas of Ettalong and Umina," Mr Tucker said.

"It was patently obvious at the meeting that the community does not want tall buildings dominating the landscape in areas on or near the waterfront of Brisbane Water."

"The visual impact of such development on all who live within view, who visit as tourists or those who now still enjoy the soft beauty of our waterways, is offensive to all.

"Drive to Woy Woy from Kariong and what assails the eye from Staples Lookout?

"The gleaming massive Outirgger Resort building that dominates the landscape."

Mr Tucker said developers naturally wanted increased population density where there was a view of the water.

"The fact that the Ettalong and Umina commercial areas possess that view is an accident of history," Mr Tucker said.

"The Trust agrees that Gosford City needs development for jobs and cater for increased population."

"The Killcare Wagstaffe Trust asserts that the crucial question is where and how that development will occur."

Mr Tucker said no building should impose on the natural horizon when viewed from sea level.

"Should the community as a whole suffer because developers, and their supporters in council, appear to have the money and the power to manipulate the sometimes imprecise planning laws in order to impose their commercial will on everyone else?" Mr Tucker said.

"The Killcare Wagstaffe Trust strongly recommends that the Gosford councillors and senior management look to the development models currently in place at Port Douglas, the Noosa Shire and Byron Bay, and not the models in place at Surfers Paradise, Cairns or the Maroochy Shire."

"We challenge Gosford Council to show the leadership to ensure that 50 years from now our grandchildren can enjoy the Port Douglas model for the Gosford area and not the concrete jungles of Surfers Paradise."

Mr Tucker said the trust believed that the Brisbane Water waterfront and near environs should be protected from any more visually offensive highrise and that the three-storey limit should remain at Ettalong and Umina for future generations.

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