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Collapse Issue 128 - 17 Oct 2005Issue 128 - 17 Oct 2005
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Council defers PUDS decision

Gosford Council has deferred making a decision on the Peninsula Urban Directions Strategy (PUDS) and will discuss it further at a strategy policy workshop for councillors on November 15.

Cr Peter Hale moved to defer the issue, seconded by Cr Jim Macfadyen.

Council's director of environment and planning Ms Colleen Worthy-Jennings had suggested at the October 4 meeting to defer consideration of the draft strategy to allow comment from the strategy's director, Mr Brett Newbold, and council project manager Mr Michael Leavy.

Cr Hale and Macfadyen voted to defer consideration of the strategy to discuss 12 specific issues including drainage, heights, road infrastructure, consultation and panel selection process, population increases, water constraints and several other issues.

On the issue of drainage, items suggested to be discussed included the infrastructure backlog and a strategy for implementation and funding.

Issues to be discussed about road infrastructure upgrades would centre around ongoing funding commitment by local, state and federal governments, as well as traffic constraints.

On the consultation and panel selection process, it was suggested to discuss the process of and rational of the selection process.

Population increase was also on the agenda, including development potential and infrastructure requirements.

Other issues to be discussed included the need for other government entities being required to, or committed to, funding, and identifying solutions for roads, environmental and social issues.

It was also suggested that council draft an Urban Tree Policy to incorporate an Urban Tree Management Policy.

Other issues for the strategy policy meeting included a social impact assessment, water constraints and the expansion of rationale for heights in city centres and the heights for each centre as recommended.

It was also suggested that council urgently write to the Premier Morris Iemma requesting his urgent attention to SEPP 71 and its signing off as it forms part of future regional development and the Peninsula Urban Directions Strategy.

It has also been recommended that council review lower population growth alternatives to reflect current meta-analysis on expected growth.

It was also resolved that council staff advise how to realistically achieve the community services and facilities recommended in PUDS, and also to determine the development level and community contribution rates required from the development community on the Peninsula.

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