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Collapse Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005
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Work stops on ferry shelter

Work on a ferry shelter near Wagstaffe that began last month has been stopped after an outcry from local residents.

The original intention was for the shed to be constructed on the wharf, but the plan was rejected by locals because it would restrict access to the commercial wharf.

The area where the shelter was being constructed was a popular place for recreational activities, and local residents have now complained that the shelter was constructed without sufficient consultation.

President of the Pretty Beach, Wagstaffe and District Progress Association Ms Robyn Warburton said that the concrete slab for the shelter is bigger than expected.

"We thought we were doing the right thing," said Ms Warburton.

"We wanted to provide an amenity, not cause trouble.

"We didn't inquire as to the size of the shelter, and construction began more quickly than we anticipated."

Mr Warren Croft, also a member of the progress association explained how, at a recent meeting, it was decided to stop work on the shelter.

"The concept of a ferry shelter had been endorsed by the progress association, but not in its current location," said Mr Croft.

"When the wharf is extended next year, we will look at including the shelter in the new construction; the question now is what to do with the slab that has already been laid."

If removal is necessary, the area can be fully repaired according to Gosford Council's director of engineering operations, Mr Stephen Glen.

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