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Collapse Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005
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Tribute paid to Umina resident

Local member for Peats Ms Marie Andrews has paid a tribute in State Parliament to long-time Umina Beach resident, Mr Gordon Carter, who died in August last year.

Born in the Melbourne suburb of Fitzroy, on February 22, 1913, Mr Carter was a champion amateur golfer.

Mr Carter started his golfing career in his teens, working as a caddy on a number of golf courses in Victoria, including Huntingdale.

Mr Carter caddied for many distinguished people, including the Governor of Victoria and the proprietor of Myers Ltd.

In his hey day, Mr Carter played from a zero handicap and won numerous trophies throughout the State.

Ms Andrews said that some of Mr Carter's golfing feats were ones of which most professional golfers would be envious.

For example, he recorded a total of nine holes in one, two of which he scored in one weekend while participating in a competition.

In 1965, Mr Carter was invited by the Singapore Government to be the golf pro at Singapore's first international golf course.

Ms Andrews said that Mr Carter was so closely aligned to the sport that among the jobs he secured during his working life was that of a golf club maker at Slazenger's.

At that time Slazenger's was the largest manufacturer of golf clubs in Australia.

Mr Carter married Doris McNamara, a widow with two young children, Joan and Billy, in 1945.

Billy McNamara became a rugby league legend, playing first grade for St George and representing New South Wales and Australia in numerous matches.

In 2002, Mr Carter was honoured with a life membership certificate of the Australian Labor Party by Ms Marie Andrews.

Mr Carter was an active member of the ALP for more than 40 years. He assisted ALP candidates in Federal, State and local Government campaigns.

Ms Andrews said former federal member for Robertson Mr Barry Cohen, as well as Keith O'Connell, Paul Landa, Tony Doyle and she herself had all been beneficiaries of Mr Carter's support and hard work.

Mr Carter was a long-time member of the Umina-Ettalong Branch and in latter years joined the Peninsula Branch.

Sadly, Doris, Joan and Billy all predeceased Mr Carter, who died on August 25 last year.

Mr Carter is survived by their children Kerry, Jenny, Joanne, Kel, Elyse and Brooke and at least six grandchildren.

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