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Collapse Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005Issue 112 - 07 Mar 2005
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Pretty Beach retains its classification

Pretty Beach Public School retained its P4 classification for the remainder of the year.

The classification means the principal's position remains that of a non-teaching principal and there will be no reduction to resources for the school.

An official review will take place in April for the classification of the school for next year.

After a meeting with the regional director Mr John Mather, Mr Potter, t

The school was allocated an extra teacher day and teacher's aide time each week for term one, following a meeting between regional director Mr John Mather, education director Mr Frank Potter and P and C representatives, Mr David Abrahams and Mr Warren Cross.

Mrs Sherry McCourt has been offered the teaching day position and will be working with year 1 and 2 students and their classes for the remainder of the term.

Further representations were made to the department on the school's behalf by Mr Potter for the appointment of an additional teacher based on anticipated numbers.

The school received its enrolment and entitlement report recently and have been allocated another permanent teacher.

The new teacher will be appointed in the near future.

This will mean most classes have smaller numbers in them and there will be a reduced number of composites throughout the school.

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