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Collapse Issue 110 - 07 Feb 2005Issue 110 - 07 Feb 2005
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Ground fees to stay

Gosford Council will retain the current fees and charges for the use of all Recreational Areas that are required for competition and training by all organisations, including several on the Peninsula.

Fields that will continue to incur fees include Woy Woy, Ettalong, Gavenlock, James Brown, McEvoy, Rogers Park, Umina, Austin Butler and Lemongrove.

Cr Laurie Maher said he was disappointed that a decision on recreation fees had been held up for so long, and that clubs would continue to be charged.

"We don't get charged for roads in Gosford.

"We don't get charged for bushwalks or beaches," Cr Maher said.

"Just because people walk on a patch of grass and throw on a uniform we charge them.

"I can not support the motion."

But Cr Doyle said that council was not the "bad guy", as it currently subsidised the sports ground fees.

"Codes would have to pay 80 to 85 per cent more if they did it themselves."

"Things like fields need ongoing maintenance."

Council officers stated that removing the fees would lower the income from the grounds across the municipality by $200,000 which would reduce spending on the grounds.

The reduction would be in capital improvements, park improvements, the sportsground renovation program and higher maintenance levels would either be reduced or passed onto the user groups to undertake.

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