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Collapse Issue 110 - 07 Feb 2005Issue 110 - 07 Feb 2005
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Family centre activities start

Umina Public Schools Beachside Family Centre has begun operating a wide range of services for families with children under eight years of age.

Several groups from last year are operating again, including "What Makes Toddlers Tick" and "The 3Cs Craft Group".

What Makes Toddlers Tick is a free group which runs on Wednesdays, February 16 to March 16, from 10am to midday.

The 3Cs Craft group (Craft, Coffee and Conversation) will start operating again on Monday afternoons from March 1, 12.30 until 2.30pm.

Entry to the art group costs $2 per week for materials.

Child care is available for both groups and costs a gold coin donation.

A new music playgroup is also starting at the centre.

Coordinator Ms Debbie Notara said the Lollipop Music Playgroup will assist children's overall social and physical development and thinking skills through music, rhythm and movement.

The playgroup will operate on Fridays starting March 4 with three age groups:

Two to three year olds will operate from 9.30am to 10.15am.

Three to four year olds will operate from 10.30am to 11.15am.

Four to five year olds will operate from 11.30am to 12.15pm.

Entry cost for the Lollipop Music Playgroup is $4 per session.

Bookings are essential for all groups.

For more information, contact the Beachside Family Centre on 4343 1929.

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