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Collapse Issue 580:<br />23 Oct 2023<br />_____________Issue 580:
23 Oct 2023
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Four townhouse proposal features curved walls

Four town houses have been proposed for a multi-unit development at 203 Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy.

The "gun-barrel" layout features curved walls at the south-east and south-west corners, but does not comply with planning provisions for setbacks, private open space and onsite parking.

A protruding section of wall at first floor level is shown in a contrasting dark colour and spouting is restricted to the north side of the complex.

The application was submitted by Clarke Dowdle and Associates on behalf of the owner, with the drawings prepared by Walsh Architects.

The "gun barrel" layout is oriented roughly east-west with Blackwall Rd on the east side on a site totalling 663.9 square metres.

An almost full length driveway takes 200 square metres on the south side of the site, for access to two double garages and two single garages, providing a total of six off-street car parking spaces.

All of the units will be two storeys and attached.

Each unit will have three bedrooms and two bathrooms on level one, with living spaces at ground floor level.

The total gross floor area which includes "habitable" rooms which excludes bathrooms and parts of stairwells is claimed to be 398 square metres, which complies with a floor space ratio requirement of 0.6:1.

The design uses a low-pitched roof of three degrees over a large part of the proposed building.

The central portion is a more conventionally pitched, gabled roof, at right angles to the main structure.

The proposal is 8.43m high, well below the maximum allowable height limit of 11.5m.

The arborist's report states that all six trees on site will need to be removed as well as a street tree that is located within the footprint of the new driveway.

The total area of landscaping is stated to be 166 square metres which would almost exactly meet the requirement for 25 per cent of the site area to be landscaped.

However, a large number of variations to planning provision requirements have been requested, as a result of the proposal being too large for the site.

Both the front and rear setbacks are well below the minimum required in the planning provisions.

The front set-back is proposed at 3.6m but, as Blackwall Rd is a classified road, the required setback is mandated in the DCP at 7.5m.

None of the required "private open space" for each of the units meets provisions for a minimum size of 45 square metres and a minimum dimension of 4.5m.

The application states that Unit 3 would not meet solar access requirements, although this may actually apply to Unit 4.

The open space for Unit 1 is proposed to be sited on the front setback which is prohibited in the planning provisions.

The application states that no visitor parking would be provided, relying on visitors "to park their vehicle within nearby Farnell Rd, located less than 100m from the site".

The application concludes that "the proposed multi-dwelling development at 203 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy is consistent with the objectives, planning strategies and controls applicable to the site".

"The proposal provides increased housing density which is well designed to meet residential needs and is commensurate with the character of the surrounding area."

The application is available for public submissions until October 27.

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