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Collapse Issue 504:<br />05 Oct 2020<br />_____________Issue 504:
05 Oct 2020
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Rotary clubs hear about preparing for ageing

Preparing for ageing was the topic of a light-hearted presentation given by paediatric psychologist Dr John Irvine of Pearl Beach to a combined meeting of the Rotary Clubs of Umina Beach and of Woy Woy.

The meeting was held at Everglades Country Club on Tuesday, September 22.

Umina Beach club president Mr Bruce Croft said the topic was an enjoyable but inevitable conversation that many audience members could relate with.

"Dr Irvine summarised ageing with four Ds- the ageing human body after an expanse of time - drips, droops, drops and dries," Mr Croft said.

"The key to survival is a Webster pack full of many different pills, potions and pastes," he said.

Woy Woy club president Ms Joan Redmond said it was a hilarious and memorable night that had given members some real food for thought.

"He had 45 Rotarians, partners and guests laughing our way through his excellent presentation on the ageing years," Ms Redmond said.

She said Dr Irvine offered helpful tips and tricks anyone could use when feeling overwhelmed or flustered.

"One way to combat this is to repeat information to yourself, and slow your breathing down," Ms Redmond said.

"This tricks your brain into thinking you are coping.

"If you are thinking about something sad, just smile, you cannot hold the sad thought when you are smiling," she said.

She said each member was given a worksheet where they ranked the top three things that would help them live a long and happy life, with "a sense of humour" taking out the top spot.

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