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Collapse Issue 500:<br />10 Aug 2020<br />_____________Issue 500:
10 Aug 2020
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Ettalong Red Carpet Day is postponed

Peninsula Tourism Partners group has announced this year's fifth annual Red Carpet Day in Ettalong scheduled for Sunday, September 13, has been postponed.

President Kim Cole said she was disappointed that coronavirus restrictions had forced postponement but believed an event held at such an uncertain time would be inappropriate.

"The Partners have devoted the past year planning the event," she said.

"However, these are unprecedented happenings, and we are not able to proceed with the event under safe conditions.

"We consider the safety and wellbeing of the public as a crucial factor and have already started exploring alternative dates for the event, perhaps in November or early next year," she said.

Ms Cole said the event received funding from the council and had planned a marketing budget aimed to bring more people into town and support local businesses, which was challenging with limited seating and social distancing requirements.

"We have this celebration once a year, and we don't charge anybody to be a part of it," Ms Cole said.

"If we went ahead with the event, we would just be putting the community at risk."

Peninsula Tourism Partners are still accepting applications of participation from businesses, stall holders and organisations.

"The event is only on hold, not cancelled," Ms Cole said.

Dates in November and early next year have been under consideration.

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