Unnecessary watering is a waste
I would like to concur wholeheartedly with Carl Veugen's letter about water waste in edition 486.
He pointed out that the grass verges and footpaths don't need watering.
I agree and strongly support his protest.
For instance, many residents along Ryans Rd, Umina, have no qualms wasting water it would seem.
Sometimes there are as many as five hoses watering one front yard, the verge, footpath, gutter and road.
Running two or three hoses at one place is very common.
Come on people, one for the front garden is more than enough.
Sometimes walkers have to move off the footpath at these addresses to avoid getting wet.
Council staff are not worried yet because, as they claim, we still have 51 per cent water in our supply.
But that's absolutely no reason why they should not notify residents that this unnecessary watering is wasting water.
My solution for the verges is native grasses or bushes that require very little water.
Council might even donate these for planting, perhaps. Or trees.
Email, 27 Jan 2020
Maggie Bartlett, Umina