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Collapse Issue 455 - 08 Oct 2018Issue 455 - 08 Oct 2018
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Time to update planning instruments and consult public

The options for Brick Wharf Rd as part of the road network are numbered.

The Sporties Woy Woy development, unanimously rejected by the Joint Regional Planning Panel, should mean that the zoning shown is non-compliant.

However, with the Department of Planning and Environment controlled by developers as recently indicated by Departmental staff, changing planning instruments to address the issues noted by the Panel will not receive the same attention.

Land shown as L2 and L1 in the Woy Woy Town Centre and Brick Wharf Rd area is not consistent with the decision made by the Panel.

The time interval between the Panel's decision and upgrading planning instruments to incorporate infrastructure, Sea Level Rise, climate change and variations is now the issue of concern.

How many appropriate developments will be approved during the time it takes for planning instruments to be updated and comply with the Panel's decision?

The Department held a public meeting in Gosford to discuss the Gosford City Development Control Plan.

When will the Department hold a meeting in Woy Woy to discuss planning ramifications of the Sporties refusal?

It's time the public are included in pre-Development Application meetings, to make the process transparent and accountable.

Why is advice sought only from the proponent when the development impacts thousands of local residents?

Mayhem is assured.

DA54551 is one example, with more to follow.

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