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Collapse Issue 455 - 08 Oct 2018Issue 455 - 08 Oct 2018
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Awards given for Flash Festival productions

Woy Woy Little Theatre Group held a successful Flash Festival over the weekend of September 21-23, according to group publicity officer, Ms Terry Collins.

"The standard of scripts this year was high, with the best 10 selected by a panel of readers from the 35 submitted.

"As always the festival provided the perfect outlet for new directors and actors, as well as those more experienced," Ms Collins said.

"Taking the top award for best production was The Final Interview, written by Ethan Dale, directed by Steve Pembroke and featuring Christine Vale and Jake Roser.

"It was a big night for the Final Interview team, with Jake Roser also taking out the joint best actor award, and playwright Ethan Dale getting the nod for best unpublished script," Ms Collins said.

"Runners-up for best production were Game Changer, by Sally Davies (second), directed by Rowan Cowley and featuring Greg Buist and Rohan Smith, and Forgive Me Father by Andrew Thomson (third), directed by Annie Bilton and featuring Paul Russell and Stephen Pearson.

"The Game Changer crew picked up a second award when Rohan Smith was named joint winner of the best actor award for his saucy performance as a grumpy Santa's chief elf.

"The award for best use of the festival theme 'change' went to Sally Bartley for Riding the Clutch, while Annie Bilton picked up the best supporting actress gong for her role in Changing Times, written by Greg Buist.

"Spare Change by Graham Vale was another big winner on the night, taking out the special judges' award and being named the people's favourite after votes were collected from audience members at each of the four performances over the weekend," Ms Collins said.

"Sensitively directed by Cassandra White, the play featured Kellie Martin and Clayton Williamson.

"For her fine work in this play and also in Changing Times, Kellie Martin received the award for top actress at the festival," Ms Collin said.

"It was our third Flash Festival, following festivals in 2015 and 2016, with a break last year to make room for our special community production of The Laramie Project," Ms Collins said.

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