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Collapse Issue 453 - 10 Sep 2018Issue 453 - 10 Sep 2018
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Bouddi Marine Park to be used as scientific reference

The Bouddi Marine Park site is one of 25 proposed by the NSW Government in its Marine Park proposal.

Located on the northern shore of Broken Bay adjacent to Bouddi National Park, it would be an extension of the existing Bouddi National Park Marine Extension.

The area would be maintained as a "scientific reference" site.

The proposed expansion would cover the shoreline from the southern headland of Little Beach, south-west along the shoreline to Gerrin Point, and seaward to include an area of 1484 hectares.

It would include deep rocky reefs as part of a continuous reef system extending from the shoreline to depths of around 40 metres.

The existing protected area, including the 252 hectare marine extension between Gerrin Point and Third Point, is managed as part of Bouddi National Park.

All types of fishing are prohibited by a time-limited fishing closure under the Fisheries Management Act 1994.

According to the NSW Government's site-specific information about the Bouddi site for the marine park, its primary objectives would be to enhance the conservation of marine biodiversity, reduce risks to identified habitats of the bioregion, enhance the intrinsic benefits derived by the community from the marine estate, enhance bequest values for current and future generations, enhance opportunities for scientific research, education and learning, including Aboriginal culture.

Other stated objectives were to provide baseline monitoring areas (scientific reference sites), ensure appropriate mechanisms for community involvement in the management of the marine estate, promote stewardship of the marine estate, and reduce regulatory complexity in the bioregion to improve self-compliance.

"This area consists of intertidal rocky shores, shallow and deep rocky reef, beaches and shallow and deep soft sediments," the site-specific information said.

"The subtidal reef habitats include urchin barrens, turfing algae, algal fringe, kelp forests and sponge-dominated reef," it said.

"The area has significance to the local aboriginal communities.

"Spiritual sites and evidence of past cultural use, such as grinding grooves and shell midden, have been recorded in the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System.

"Some Ocean Trap and Line and Sea Urchin and Turban Shell commercial fishing takes place in the area.

"The removal of, or harm to, marine life and habitats would be prohibited, including fishing by any method, hand gathering and collecting marine organisms throughout the proposed Bouddi site.

"These restrictions would provide comprehensive protection for fish assemblages, marine vegetation and threatened and protected marine species.

"The proposal would help to maintain the areas value as a scientific reference site.

"Activities that are minimal-low risk, such as swimming, snorkelling, diving, recreational boating and Aboriginal cultural use would continue.

"The high conservation value of Bouddi was identified by community members and peak conservation stakeholder groups such as the National Parks Association of NSW and the Nature Conservation Council of NSW.

"Submissions noted that the existing Bouddi fishing closure has both positive and negative effects on stakeholders."

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