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Collapse Issue 433 - 27 Nov 2017Issue 433 - 27 Nov 2017
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Guide issued for objectors to Sporties' proposal

Save Woy Woy Waterfront has put together a guide to assist community members wishing to make substantive objections to the proposed redevelopment of the Woy Woy Sporties bowling club.

According to the guide, objections could be based on the argument that the proposed redevelopment would be out of character for the area, not in keeping with the regional plan and would not create long-term employment opportunities.

It would exceed height and floor space requirements and overshadow surrounding areas.

It would create a traffic hazard and exacerbate local flooding.

The guide states that, according to the Gosford LEP 2014, which remains current, any development on the site, which is zoned part R2 and part RE2 should "enable land to be used for private open space or recreational purposes, provide a range of recreational setting and activities and compatible land uses, protect and enhance the natural environment for recreational purposes, ensure that development does not have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of nearby properties, and ensure that development is compatible with the desired future character of the zone."

Save Woy Woy Waterfront has also argued that objections could be based upon the Gosford Development Control Plan (DCP) 2013, which includes statements of desired character for each Landscape Unit.

"These statements are used by Council as a yardstick to determine whether new development is appropriate to existing and desired environmental qualities and as tools for development assessment.

"In the map of Woy Woy on the Sporties property, it is categorised as Landscape Unit Woy Woy 14 (Community Centres and Schools).

The statement of desired character for Woy Woy 14 includes the assurance that "significant gathering places for the community against a green back drop to surrounding residential areas and major roads, provided by substantial areas of open space around a cluster of classrooms, community buildings or large recreation facilities that accommodate recreation clubs and public sporting centres.

"These properties should continue to provide community, educational and recreational services according to the needs of their surrounding residential population and ensure that new developments do not dominate their natural or landscaped settings, or their predominately low-rise residential surroundings.

It also states that "new developments do not dominate their natural or landscaped settings, or their predominantly low-rise residential surroundings.

The DCP also states that developers need to "ensure that the height and siting of new structures also preserve levels of privacy, sunlight and visual amenity that are enjoyed by neighbouring dwellings and their private open spaces" and that the scale and bulk of new buildings is minimised."

Save Woy Woy Waterfront has also encouraged objectors to argue that the proposal is not in keeping with the NSW Government's Central Coast Regional Plan 2036 because it is not located in Woy Woy Town Centre and therefore was not intended as a location to increase residential density.

"The proposal does not increase local employment opportunities," the group has argued. "There is no requirement for local building companies or construction workers, which would all be temporary jobs."

Height and floor space are other issues identified as problematic, according to Save Woy Woy Waterfront.

"Surrounding houses are limited to 8.5m in height but the development is proposing approximately 14.5m, justifying this by saying there is no height limit on land zoned RE2.

"The floor space ration for surrounding areas is 0.5:1 but the development is proposing a floor ratio of 1.3:1, almost three times surrounding houses. again, justified on the basis that RE2 does not have a limit.

"These two issues are true however RE2 never intended to have such heights and intense floor ratios so they were never included.

"The developer's own Shadow Diagrams show significant overshadowing to residents on both the West and East side of the club and the Southern area is completely overshadowed right across Brick Wharf Rd to the reserve," according to Save Woy Woy Waterfront.

"The project is an overdevelopment," the group concludes.

It also sets out arguments for objections based on traffic issues.

"The retail section is proposing to utilise the 85 car parking spaces in the Lions Park itself but has anyone tried to park there on a weekend?

"During construction there needs to be removal of 12,000 cubic metres of sand for the excavation alone."

The group estimates this will equate to between 300 and 400 heavy truck movements.

Storm water and tidal flooding issues could also be the basis for objections, according to the group.

"The first major storm will not only back flood the development but will greatly increase localised flooding in the area."

Noise was another reason identified by the group for residents to object to the proposal.

Members of the fishing clubs who use the facility have also been encouraged to object.

"There is currently a small community fishing club on North East corner boundary.

"It's used every two weeks by several Fishing Clubs in the area.

"Its attraction lies in its location, on a boat ramp adjacent to a children's playground well out of way of other users.

"The proposal moves the fishing club under building B, well inside the boundary of club.

"This is very impractical.

"Fishermen sit there with their boats containing expensive fishing gear.

"The children play at the park.

"They weigh in actual fish with all there accompanying smells. If the fishing club is moved under building B that would be the end of the Community Fishing Club."

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