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Collapse Issue 433 - 27 Nov 2017Issue 433 - 27 Nov 2017
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Lions Park entrance is a major asset

A typical traffic report of a trip along Brick Wharf Rd to North Burge Rd, Woy Woy, last week on November 17:

Vehicle: a mini shopping bus.

Excellent driving is required to turn into North Burge Rd, which is a narrow, single-lane road both ways.

Cars are always legally parked on both sides of the road.

More than 50 parking spaces are nose-to-kerb outside the Bowling Green and the club premises of Sporties.

The other side of the North Burge Rd always has cars parked there.

It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to turn safely on this part North Burge Rd.

Lions Park entrance is the only safe turning spot for vehicles which our driver uses.

Lions Park entrance is a major asset which must be cherished and protected as open space.

It is very well used and enjoyed by locals as well as visitors from all areas and overseas.

It is vital to have unfettered access available at all times.

A small observation of some happy users.

Boaties with trailers, fishers (two fish cleaning tables), sea scouts, long boats, cyclists, children's playground, walkers, runners, photographers, surf life boat training, picnickers, Parks and Wildlife punt, rest area at times for truckies and tradies and so on.

The proposed high rise development at Sporties, with hundreds of extra vehicles, among many other concerns, must not be approved.

The recipe for a chaotic traffic disaster is obvious.

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