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Collapse Issue 433 - 27 Nov 2017Issue 433 - 27 Nov 2017
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Creeks are the best form of drainage we have

Regarding "Councillors invited to community meeting at Umina", Peninsula News, November 13.

Ms Greyem tells us that the lack of adequate drainage and drainage solutions are of massive importance to the residents of the Peninsula.

We have three creeks in south Umina and none are called South Umina Creek.

And none of them are stagnant, despite a lack of decent rain all three creeks are flowing to their exit at the beach.

Sand deposits at the creeks' mouths have prevented the water reaching the sea so it sits behind the dune and soaks into the sand, recharging the groundwater or evaporating into the atmosphere.

I have been engaged with Council on drainage issues for some 20 years.

The creeks are the best form of drainage that we have.

Unfortunately successive councils have allowed the filling of all the flood storage lagoons that existed here and made the Peninsula virtually flood proof.

Now we are suffering from advanced overdevelopment, more hard surfaces and more roofed area shedding water.

Incredibly this council has resumed piping of floodwaters to the beaches despite the obvious erosion that is created by this outdated practice.

The vacant blocks of land on the Peninsula that council foolishly tried to flog to developers could all be used as infiltration basins to replace the massive quantity of water that council extracts and sells to us.

Council's consultant provided several infiltration devices and systems in his extensive report to Council, but alas this council fails to grasp the advantages of putting water back into the groundwater via the sand.

Pollution of the creek system is almost entirely man made.

I live on one creek and walk along the creeks regularly and witness many people using the creek to dispose of dog droppings, TV sets, old tyres and washing machines.

May I suggest that Ms Greyem and any interested readers are welcome to find out more by attending Ettymalong Creek Bushcare's next workday on Sunday, December 17, at 8am.

Ettymalong Creek Bushcare has for the past 18 years been meeting at Etta Rd near the Umina oval on the third Sunday each month.

You could park in the shade at Jasmine Greens and take a short stroll across the oval.

You will be most welcome.

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