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Collapse Issue 432 - 13 Nov 2017Issue 432 - 13 Nov 2017
Collapse  NEWS NEWS

Just pull your fingers out

It is great to hear that the sand has come back to Lobster Beach but the channel is dangerously shallow.

We need the Federal Member, State Member and our local councillors from Gosford West Ward (Richard Mehrtens, Troy Marquart and Chris Holstein) to stand up for the community they are supposed to serve.

We need them all to join together (put party politics aside) and get the State Government to supply a proper dredge for the immediate rectification of this potentially fatal choked entrance to the Brisbane Waters.

As I have stated this before, the dredged sand can be pumped back onto Ocean Beach, which would solve two problems at once.

It would open the channel for safe navigation of both private and commercial vessels and restore the beach so the exposed piping and large drop-offs can be made safe for the public.

The last thing I want to see is all these elected people come out after someone gets hurt either in the channel or on the beach and start finger pointing at the others.

I am asking that you all just pull your fingers out and have this issue fixed otherwise when someone gets hurt it is on your heads and I hope you can live with that.

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