Preschool starts online program
The Woy Woy Public School Guliyali Preschool has implemented a Storypark program.
"Storypark is a secure, private online space to ensure the children at Guliyali Preschool receive the best support possible and that the families of our preschool are involved and up-to-date with their child's development," said principal Ms Ona Buckley.
"Storypark provides each child with an online community that is accessed and controlled only by the educators, parents and other chosen family members of that child.
"Parents and carers can choose to add their own stories or leave comments and feedback for children and our teaching team.
"Parents and carers can also choose to share these stories with family members if they wish to do so.
"Adding extended family members allows the children to have an authentic audience who are genuinely interested in their learning.
"Storypark helps educators, children and families: Improve understanding of each child's interests and abilities so they receive even better support, deepen relationships and strengthen communication.
"They can share videos, photos and text capturing children's learning and development.
"Parents can create a portfolio of their child's learning that travels with your child and can be accessed by the parent.
"The Guliyali Preschool team has considered the aspects of cyber safety and we have made sure our teaching team have the knowledge and skills to ensure we are cyber safe.
"It is not open for anyone to read, it is a password-protected private space for families and educators."
Newsletter, 18 May 2017
Ona Buckley, Woy Woy Public School