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Collapse Issue 418 - 01 May 2017Issue 418 - 01 May 2017
Collapse  NEWS NEWS

Retirement village commemorates Anzac Day

Peninsula Village commemorated the lives and sacrifices of Australians with a special Anzac Day service on Tuesday, April 25.

Residents of Peninsula Villages commemorated the day from 10am with morning tea, followed by a service in the main hall organised and led by resident Reverend Peter Swain.

"Anzac Day is a day when the community comes together to honour and pay tribute to our fallen soldiers and honour those who continue to battle for our country," said Peninsula Villages chief executive officer Mr Shane Neaves.

"It is such a privilege to have the service conducted by such a professional and organised gentleman."

The service was topped off with a heartfelt performance by the Peninsula Village choir who performed two songs: "O God, Our Help in Ages Past" and "God Bless Australia".

"Our singing group deso a wonderful job.

"I have heard them rehearsing and it was a fitting addition to our Anzac Day service," Mr Neaves said.

"We printed the lyrics for each song in our service program so all our residents could join in the chorale."

"As a way of commemorating this year's Anzac Day and to ensure that the sacrifices of our Anzac soldiers were remembered, attendees were encouraged to wear any medals that had been awarded to them, or their spouse, relatives or family members," Mr Neaves concluded.

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