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Collapse Issue 418 - 01 May 2017Issue 418 - 01 May 2017
Collapse  NEWS NEWS

Application for adult shop in Woy Woy

Central Coast Council has received an application for an adult shop to operate in a high profile section of Woy Woy town centre.

The site at 18 Blackwall Rd, which was a butcher's shop for many years, has been vacant for some time.

The applicant, Eastern Investments Group Pty Ltd, stated that it operated similar retail outlets in Bathurst, Orange, Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour and Dubbo.

The communities had not suffered any adverse affects, nor had they been advised of any police or Council complaints, according to the application.

"We have operated our businesses in accordance with local council policies and continue to be sensitive to community expectations in relation to this type of business," it stated.

The land is zoned B2 Local Centre.

According to the application, the proposal aligns with the zone objectives and is permissible with consent from Council and that the development would provide employment opportunities.

If approved, a permanent partition would be built covering the front doors ensuring the inside of the store was not visible from the outside, in accordance with legislation.

No sexually explicit or lewd signage would be displayed.

A restricted premises sign would be fixed inside on the entry facing the front door.

Closed circuit security TV cameras would be installed in the adult's product area.

The application also stated: "The proposed development location is not near any business or activity that would likely be regularly frequented by children and the design and streetscape of the development and the restriction of access to 18 plus would further mitigate any fanciful effects this development is perceived to have on children."

It also stated that the proposed location was not in proximity to any place of worship.

The applicant acknowledged in the DA that businesses of this nature often drew scrutiny from community members and religious groups.

"There is an anticipated opposition and objections to this development by moral campaigners and religious groups which will be based on the moral issues.

"Generally these points have little to no validity within the legal and planning requirements and are generally not considered when assessing the validity of the development.

"Most of the arguments against adult stores are very emotive and have little or no proven bases, which the NSW Land and Environment Court has acknowledged on numerous occasions through their judgments.

"NSW Police have publicly acknowledged there is no evidence that sexually related crimes increase as a result of an adult store opening in a community."

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