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Collapse Issue 299 - 03 Sep 2012Issue 299 - 03 Sep 2012
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What is candidate position on sea level rise?

Last Saturday in Woy Woy I attended a meeting called Sea Level Rise: Looking for Solutions.

Many people on the Central Coast, in places such as Gosford and the Peninsula are concerned about flooding, particularly from storm surges combined with king tides.

Insurance, it seems, does not include inundation by salt water.

Well might these people be concerned.

At Ocean Beach at least 12m of dune has been lost since June 8, 2007.

We have seen the water within 6m of the Esplanade.

These dangers are not helped by regular foreshore vegetation removal and vandalism, most recently attributed to Council's own maintenance crews.

The area in front of the Ettalong Beach Club has had banksia trees removed and other vegetation cut.

These things are contrary to the Ettalong Beach Plan of Management and Council's own Tree Preservation Policy, which has fines exceeding $1 million.

This is not the first time this vandalism has occurred.

The sea here had eroded the dune from under the green barriers, water was half way up the path and there was sand across the road.

Council now has detailed maps based on NSW adopted sea level rise of 0.9m by 2100, showing areas which are likely to flood.

Why, with this information, has Council rescinded the S149 statement on house deeds dealing with flood risk simply because of public pressure and supported and promoted the State Government's Regional Development Plan for the development of Gosford Landing, on land which its own maps and advisors confirm will be liable to flooding?

How can residents take sea level threats seriously when Council adopts such contradictory positions?

With Council elections imminent, electors need to understand the position of candidates on these vital issues.

Climate Change is here, whether we believe it or not, and this finite planet is the only one we have.

Change has happened before but, just imagine, when Blackwall Mountain was an island, where was the land around it?

With so many of the world's population now living around coastlines and rivers this climatic change would be devastating.

Increased and more ferocious weather events around the world and particularly in Australia, are already with us.

We need leaders with vision, who can act now.

If you want to know the facts look them up for yourself, ensuring that you are consulting a real authority, not someone with vested interests.

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