Greens Peter Freewater
The Liberals may win the election but they don't need to win Gosford.
If I win, I'd be in a bargaining position in Parliament and they'll throw money at us to win us back.
I'd bargain for more funding for Woy Woy Hospital to provide more services especially for the needs of families and the elderly.
I'd bargain for more public transport on road and rail and integrate it with better cycle and pedestrian access.
I'd bargain for more money for our schools and provide networks to transition our kids straight into work or higher education.
I'd work to protect the community from the threats of climate change.
I'd push for the urgent construction of a Bulls Hill bypass so the Peninsula can quickly be evacuated in a big flood or fire.
I'd ensure that roads, bridges and navigation channels are properly maintained to prevent tragedy.
I'd clean up Gosford Council.
I'd fight to rezone our nature reserves for conservation so our heritage and future is not gobbled up.
I'll fight until Bambara becomes part of Brisbane Water National Park.
And I will stand and fight with you against anything that threatens our beautiful Peninsula or our enjoyment of it.
Email, 18 Mar 2011
Peter Freewater, Greens