Vandalism or beautification?
Norman Harris commented (Forum, March 7) on the over-use of a photograph of Matthew Wales standing on an observation deck overlooking the Ettalong Waterfront, while talking up the new Tesrol development.
The very same observation deck is located directly across from the approved development site.
This deck, along with another located very conveniently opposite the Mantra Resort, was completed late last year and resulted in the loss of a large amount of dune vegetation.
Ironically, the Tesrol deck is located right beside a group of banksia trees which were apparently poisoned a couple of years ago, resulting in a huge Gosford Council banner being erected on the site, advising the public that this was an act of "vandalism".
I am at a loss to understand why destroying dune vegetation on one plot is considered vandalism while the destruction of a much larger amount of vegetation next door is described as "beautification".
Email, 7 Mar 2011
Denise Martin, Ettalong