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Collapse Issue 216 - 01 Jun 2009Issue 216 - 01 Jun 2009
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Doggie bag team commended

The Hardy's Bay Resident's Group has commended several group members for their commitment and dedication to keeping the Hardy's Bay foreshore a cleaner place to enjoy.

Group president Mr Adrian Williams said the team of "quiet achievers" had been regularly monitoring and replenishing dog waste bags along the waterfront for the last three years.

"It all began when Gosford Council officers responded to overtures made by the group and visited the local community to inspect proposed locations for the positioning of bio-degradable bag dispensers," Mr Williams said.

"Council subsequently granted permission for the installation of the containers and supplied the bags with the understanding that it would be the group's responsibility to oversee the process on a regular basis.

"In turn, a number of enthusiastic volunteers, including Hardy's Bay resident Janet Egan in a major role, have been assiduously carrying out the duties.

"The implementation of Operation Doggie Bag, as it has become popularly known, has been hailed an outstanding success in which a stroll around the foreshore has been transformed into a significantly more enjoyable and virtually unblemished experience."

Mr Williams said the project fell into threat after council withdrew its funding and its support for the provision of bags.

He said the group were fortunate to receive support from Woy Woy veterinary surgeon Dr Rainer Mettal to maintain the project.

"His generous donation has enabled the ladies to continue to closely attend to this vital community function by servicing the bags on a regular basis and preserving the cleanliness of what has been freely described as one of the most charming foreshore walks on the Central Coast," Mr Williams said.


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