Wide range of subjects offered
Planning for next year is well under way at Brisbane Water Secondary College.
Both campuses have both recently begun subject selection processes with outstanding expos for students and their parents, according to college principal Mr Pat Lewis.
"One of the great attractions of the college is the enormous range of courses which can be offered to students," Mr Lewis said.
"On the senior campus, over 50 courses are on offer and students are almost guaranteed that choices they make will be successful.
"In addition, with the wide range of courses on offer there is every chance that students' needs will be satisfied whatever career path they wish to follow. "
Mr Lewis said the middle school campus had also held an outstanding subject expo night which was extremely well attended by students and parents.
"Students have fewer choices to make on entering Year 9 as several subjects are still compulsory, but the campus still allows students to study three elective subjects," Mr Lewis said.
"Again, every course which the Board of Studies has developed is offered on campus and the great majority of these end up being taught. "
Students begin these courses in Year 9 in the middle school campus and complete them in Year 10 on the senior campus.
"Any Peninsula students who do not currently attend the college and cannot have their subject choices satisfied at their current school are welcome to contact the enrolment officers on either campus," Mr Lewis said.
Press release, August 17
Pat Lewis, Brisbane Water Secondary College