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In Brief

Gosford Council has requested photogrammetric data from the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources for a study on the coastal hazard lines at Killcare-Putty Beach Embayment.

The request was revealed in a report of the coastal estuary management committee on March 24.

Council agenda CE.003, May 3

The Everglades Country Club's Thursday Mufti Triples bowlers have raised $234.55 for the Woy Woy Hospital.

The Everglades Club Golf Championships start on May 31.

The event is run for four days.

Everglades golfer Ms Heather Burrett scored a 63 nett to win the Goodwill Plate on April 7 and the Division Two medal for the month in the medal rounds.

Division One was won by Bubs Ricket with a 68 nett and Patti Beattie won Division Three with a 67 nett.

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