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Treasurer for 30 years

Ruth Collins has been re-elected as treasurer of the South Woy Woy Progress association for the 30th time.

When asked about her memories of her 30 years in the position, Ms Collins had much to say.

"When I started, the progress association was a strong force.

"We worked hard to better the area of Woy Woy," Ms Collins said.

"There was no hospital, meals on wheels, youth centre, care for the aged, or paramedics, and footpaths were almost non-existent."

Ms Collins said that some of the fights had been long-lived.

"The rail crossing and the upgrade of Woy Woy Rd is still an ongoing problem so I guess I will have to stay a while longer," Ms Collins said.

Ms Collins said that as treasurer she had the pleasure of handing over a lot of money to a lot of worthy charities.

Ms Collins also stated that Peninsula Aged Care and the Community Aged Care had been very important to the progress association.

"All the members past and present can be proud of their involvement," Ms Collins said.

"Progress funds have supported people from the very young to the frail aged, and the volunteer fire brigade.

"They have bought toys, beds and paintings for the hospitals and generally tried to make life in Woy Woy better.

"For the future, I have one wish and that is that more people will take a greater interest in their community."

Ms Collins joined the progress association in 1972, firstly becoming the assistant secretary and then assistant treasurer.

In 1975, she was elected to the position of treasurer, which she still holds today.

As treasurer, she is involved in all functions of the progress association whose aims and objectives are to improve conditions for the residents in Woy Woy.

This position led to her becoming involved as secretary in the Meals on Wheels Committee.

Ruth has also been a committee and board member of the Woy Woy Community Aged Care for 17 years.

She is still a director and helps the residents with crafts, at the kiosk and with other activities.

She also takes an active interest in the running of the facility.

As a member of the building committee, she is looking towards the future comfort of the residents, but has no plans for her own retirement.

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