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Advertising signs are hazardous

Many new illuminated signs with advertising above are springing up across the Gosford Local Government Area.

While I am happy to share the revenue benefit licensing road reserves generates. I am not prepared to sit idly by and ignore the increase in number of roadside hazards.

Cables Downunder chairman Mr Peter Downing, Mr Paul Gibson of the Stay Safe Committee and others are directly concerned with long-term safety of road users.

Responsible parties, including the Roads and Traffic Authority, should wish to address the oversight of my Councillors, the Gosford Council Traffic Committee Chair and Claude Neon and the State and Federal Government.

Installing 10-centimetre square steel post in concrete for the benefit of advertisers is extremely short sighted.

In fact, I doubt the improved safety argued for by councillors wishing to rid the roadside of power poles, because of the threat to life and limb fits in with putting these poles on street corners.

This offensive grab for revenue presents ratepayers and road users with a previously unconsidered and numerically more offensive threat to the health and safety of motorcyclist and other road users.

I must point out that following extensive research, overseas companies are installing breakaway infrastructure.

These items are made from reinforced resin.

Power poles, lampposts and anything else which needs to be so close by the roadside is first measured against the hazard potential.

I expect Councillors Holstein and Brooks to come out publicly in support of a rethink of the commercial arrangements with advertisers which ignore the potential to increase road safety particularly when intersections are a focus of death and injury.

It is already accepted internationally that the safest possible roadside infrastructure is the minimum acceptable intrusion from items placed simply for commercial return of a third party.

Claims of negligence are prosecuted against councillors and council.

The question asked is: Who neglected to act in the best interest of ratepayers and road users?

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