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Council speeds Margin approval

Gosford Council has resolved to rescind a motion to support the Margin development on the corner of Blackwall Rd and Bowden Rd, but has resolved to approve the development, reducing potential delays.

The original resolution from December 13 resolved that council approve the application subject to confirmation of the purchase of the laneway by the applicant.

Mayor Cr Laurie Maher, along with Crs Chris Holstein and Peter Hale put forward the rescission motion.

Their report to council stated that part of the resolution had the effect of delaying the release of the consent until purchase of the laneway was complete.

The report stated that "this has the potential to hold the matter in abeyance for up to 12 months and this does not appear to have been council's intent".

Council has now resolved to approve the development application and refer the application to its development assessment unit for appropriate conditions.

Information about the purchase of the adjoining laneway, along with information about a review of council's density assessment and clarification of the effects of the yet to be adopted Peninsula Urban Direction Strategy (PUDS) on the development will be provided to councillors at a strategy policy workshop on PUDS on February 21.

Bowden Rd resident Ms Audrey Armstrong spoke against the development at council's meeting of Tuesday, January 24, stating the development would "open the gate to developers who will think Gosford an easy mark.

"At the council meeting, the town planner, employed by Gosford Council, recommended refusal of the development in Bowden Rd," Ms Armstrong said.

"With the exception of Cr Latella, councillors approved this development, contrary to recommendations, which will open the gate to developers who will think Gosford an easy mark.

"It has been said that this development will ease the housing shortage, what housing shortage?

"Any housing shortage is most likely in the area of the ever-increasing aging society."

Cr Peter Hale stated that the wording of the previous conditions had been "too onerous in relation to the purchase of the lane".

"As I understand it, if it was worded the way it was, he (Kim Margin) would be unable to begin the project until the purchase is finished," Cr Hale said.

Cr Latella moved an amendment that council adhere to its previous recommendation of refusal.

"It has not been supported by staff for numerous reasons," Cr Latella said.

"Quite frankly I'd like a reasoning from councillors, given that staff have not approved this, as to why councillors have approved this development.

"I believe it's not only a right that they should give me that reasoning but it's a right that the public also deserve."

Cr Hale stated that the decision was in response to the information presented to the councillors on the day (council inspection) and at the meeting.

"What had been provided in this place was open space and set backs," Cr Hale said.

The proposal is for a residential flat building composing of 50 units on the corner of Bowden Rd and Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy.

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