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Collapse Issue 132 - 12 Dec 2005Issue 132 - 12 Dec 2005
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Lioness club seeks members

The Peninsula Lioness Club of Woy Woy is currently looking for new members, according to club representative Ms Joanne McGill.

"I called our membership officer, Vivienne Upton, and was invited to a dinner meeting.

"I haven't looked back," Ms McGill said.

"All it takes is a simple phone call to start making a difference in our community.

"Getting out for dinner with other women once a month gives me an outlet away from the demands of a two-year-old and all that goes with being a stay-at-home mum."

Members of the Peninsula Lioness Club get together for dinners, craft days and events such as the Melbourne Cup and The Longest Morning Tea.

The club's activities also raise much-needed funds for such services as the Rural Fire Service and local refuges.

The club also provides services directly to community groups, such as entertainment for residents of local aged care facilities.

Mr Tony Marsh from the Pearl Beach Rural Fire Brigade said:: "Every year the Lioness and Lions Clubs walk the Peninsula selling Lions Christmas Cakes while we tow the Santa Sleigh behind our fire truck.

"It is a fun community activity leading up to Christmas and raises critical funds for our brigade.

"With the donations from these two clubs, last year we were able to buy three VHF radios and pay for their installation; better equipping our secondary radio system."

For more information or to become a member, contact 4342 0008.

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