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Collapse Issue 115 - 18 Apr 2005Issue 115 - 18 Apr 2005
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Relay for Life raises $60,000

The Peninsula's first Relay for Life, held on April 2 and 3, is estimated to have raised a total of $60,000 for cancer research.

The event saw over 40 teams and 700 participants participate over the 24 hour period.

Cancer Council NSW public relations officer Ms Jaci Tebb said teams consisted of families, sporting clubs, small and large businesses, church groups, school groups and just about every other community group in existence.

"The great representation from different parts of the Peninsula and surrounding communities at the relay shows just how supportive our local people can be," said Ms Tebb.

"The many teams that walked for 24 hours at the relay each did their own fundraising in the lead up to the event and at the event, resulting in a tentative fundraising amount of $60,000, an outstanding effort."

"They monitored themselves and arranged their own shifts on the track.

"Many who were woken during the night walked in pyjamas and slippers."

Major sponsor was Campbells' Home Hardware, with staff and customers together with their families and friends contributing more than $15,000 to the cause.

Relay for Life site manager Mr Bill Ide said: "The atmosphere was exceptional."

"It was heartening to see so many people giving of themselves and not expecting anything in return.

"There were always large numbers of people on the track throughout the 24-hour period.

"From 10pm on the Saturday night, noise restrictions were in force and walkers were kept motivated by members of the Troubadour Acoustic Music Club who kept up a night long performance of music and song until 7am."

All funds raised at the Peninsula Relay For Life will go towards the continuation of cancer research, support and education programs in the local region.

Campbell Building Materials will now move on to host the Cancer Council's "Australia's Biggest Morning Tea" on May 26.

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