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Collapse Issue 115 - 18 Apr 2005Issue 115 - 18 Apr 2005
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Police review town security

The NSW Police Service has promised to review Ettalong town centre security with local businesses.

The initiative follows an agreement recently reached between The Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, following a recent spate of property damage.

Police Commander Mr Alan Clarke and crime prevention officer Ms Jo Plummer met with local business people and the Chamber recently to discuss initiatives that could be implemented to reduce the incidence of property damage and antisocial behaviour in the town, said Chamber president Mr Matthew Wales.

"Local business people are extremely concerned about the apparent rise in these incidences and, to the NSW Police Service's credit, the Police Commander came right to the coal face to sort out the issues," said Mr Wales.

"Broken windows, antisocial behaviour and mindless vandalism have no place in our town and businesses are fed up with it.

"They want police assistance to reduce the risk of these things happening," Mr Wales said.

"We agreed to look at a series of initiatives including a full safety audit of the business precinct, increased police presence during critical periods and further discussions with the two licensed premises in the Ettalong Beach.

"These initiatives are a start and the Chamber of Commerce believes that through greater cooperation with the police, we can build on these actions.

"However, it is all dependant on creating a closer working relationship between business and the Police Service."

Mr Wales said that the safety audit was an important tool in identifying the crime and safety issues in the town centre and developing actions to reduce the risk of crime in cooperation with the Police Service, the businesses and Gosford Council.

"Things like improved lighting, eliminating areas that offenders can hide, better casual surveillance and cooperation amongst businesses are all essential to making Ettalong Beach safer," Mr Wales said.

"This is more important than ever as the new Outrigger Resort is due to be opened in May which will increase the n umber of visitors and customers to Ettalong Beach. We need to make these visitors welcome in our town as well as ensuring that residents and visitors alike are safe and secure".

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