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Collapse Issue 597:<br />24 Jun 2024<br />_____________Issue 597:
24 Jun 2024
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Giving detail of $700M 'not practical', say Council staff

Central Coast Council staff have claimed that it is "not practical" for them to account for the detail of $712.8 million of the Council's proposed budget for the coming year.

This amount is the Council's operational expense that makes up the two-thirds of the Council budget.

"It is not practical for the Operational Plan to detail all the operational activities undertaken," the staff commented in response to a submission by the Peninsula Residents' Association.

"Employees work across many varied activities, projects and corporate tasks, it would not be possible to accurately estimate the projected cost attributable to each action or project."

The staff are recommending that the draft Operational Plan and budget be adopted at the council meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, June 25.

In its submission, the residents' association asked for the detail of the operational expense "be tabulated in a similar form to the capital works program".

It questioned how councillors and the community could control and assess the council's financial management without more detailed information.

"No details are shown of what activities more than two-thirds of the budget will go towards," the association said in its submission.

"At a fundamental level, this hardly qualifies for the common English meaning of the term Plan.

"Neither the document itself, nor its associated 'strategies', provide details of the activities, timeframes, costs or priorities associated with implementing the operational objectives, or detailed management and operational plans.

"The 'Plan' and the strategies all talk in general terms with no commitment to undertake or achieve anything in specific operational terms within the next 12 months - other than to spend $712.8 million.

"There is no evidence within the document that there is any detailed plan for how this money will be spent.

"There is no evidence in the Plan that council staff have changed their ways since the Council's financial crisis and the subsequent public inquiry.

"Whether the staff or the councillors were to blame, or a combination of both, there is simply not the transparency or accessibility to relevant information for effective accountability that would avoid such a crisis arising again.

"Improvements are needed for it to provide an adequate basis for the public to make informed submissions and for councillors to make informed choices to control the council's activities and budgetary processes."

The Council staff response stated: "Budget requests are prioritised based on the funding available and relevant strategies.

"The budget process is overseen by the Responsible Accounting Officer and the Executive Leadership Team to ensure it appropriately supports the delivery of the Operational Plan, while maintaining long-term financial sustainability.

"Council developed its budget by reference to the Long Term Financial Plan which reflects financial performance targets that support an operating and cash position that meet industry benchmarks.

"The Plan does provide the levels of service associated with operating activities, such as mowing, and roadworks.

"The delivery model and the associated resourcing requirements (staff or outside contractors) may vary for projects delivered when determining the most cost effective way to deliver or procure the relevant service.

"Accordingly, the employee costs budget published is based on the total full time equivalents across Council."

In response to a request to be responsive to local community needs and budget on that basis, Council staff stated: "Regarding operating activities, Council manages its limited budget from an overall local government area perspective and prioritises works based on risk and other relevant factors.

"Similar to other forms of taxation, rates revenue is applied across the local government area based on need and priority."

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