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Collapse Issue 574:<br />24 Jul 2023<br />_____________Issue 574:
24 Jul 2023
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Photographer awarded honour at changeover dinner

Landscape photographer and philanthropist Mr Ken Duncan and his wife Pam were presented with Rotary's highest honour, the Paul Harris Fellowship, at Rotary Brisbane Water's Changeover Dinner on Thursday, July 6.

"The Duncans were honoured for the work they do in providing employment and support to indigenous people in Central Australia, through their Walk a While charity," said club secretary Ms Di Bartok.

Mr Duncan said he and Pam believed it was important to help people in need rather than to rely on governments to do the work.

The club also awarded two other Paul Harris Fellowships.

"Ms Cherie Simpson, who had been president of Rotary Brisbane Water for the past two years, was honoured for her leadership, especially during the initial difficult Covid-19 times.

"Long-time Rotarian Mr Colin Pratt received his award for his pioneering work in the early days of computing, as well as his long association with Rotary.

"He was made a life member of the club.

District Governor Ms Christine Owen spoke on Rotary's 2023-24 theme of Create Hope in the World.

"Who doesn't need hope?," Ms Owen said.

"We work better when we work together."

Ms Owen said everyone was entitled to good health, nutrition, shelter and clean water, the overriding aim of Rotary throughout the world.

Following this, dinner attendees were entertained by talented young singer-guitarist Olivia Zaia, a Youth in Performing Arts participant.

Joint incoming-presidents Mr Mitchell Gordon and Sue O'Neill said they were looking forward to a productive year of worthwhile community projects, and carrying on the club's tradition of being a friendly, laid-back Rotary club.

Other board members appointed for 2023-24 included vice-president Ms Marylyn Whitwell, treasurer Mr Mark Simpson, administration director Mr Peter Mote, membership director Ms Jayne Mote, community service Ms Heather Martin, environment rep Ms Lillias Bovell, international service director Ms Sue Huntley, youth service director Ms Marion Cornish, vocational service director Ms Bobby Redman, youth service director Marion Cornish, social co-ordinator Ms Cherie Simpson and public officer Ms Greta King.

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