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Collapse Issue 574:<br />24 Jul 2023<br />_____________Issue 574:
24 Jul 2023
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Two-storeys plus basement garages and roof terraces

A two-storey dual occupancy development with "basement garages" and "roof-top terraces" has been proposed for a site zoned R2 general residential at 391 Orange Grove Rd, Blackwall.

The proposal includes the demolition of an existing timber frame single-storey dwelling, which the application claims has "no significant architectural merit or historical significance".

However, it is adjacent to the home of Spike Milligan's parents from the 1950s, often described as a classic Australian suburban home of the era, sold after his mother died in 2008.

The application for the two four-bedroom units, prepared by Red Apple Design, acknowledges non-compliance with planning provisions for height, floor space ratio and side setback.

The application seeks to remove "one minor existing tree", but an accompanying arborist report suggests nine trees, with heights greater than five metres, will be removed.

The application claims compliance with solar access provisions.

It states that balconies will "take advantage of potential water views" and that the skillion roof will have concealed gutters.

"Both units are provided with northwest-facing courtyards at ground level directly accessible from the living areas.

"The private open spaces feature a mix of hard and soft finishes to enhance their liveability.

"To the street frontage, mixed material screen fencing is set back behind semi transparent plantings."

The application acknowledges that the rooftop terraces exceed the maximum building height of 8.5 metres by 657mm, described as "a minor departure".

"The rooftop terraces are setback a minimum of 3.89 metres and create no overlooking or over-shadowing impact on the neighbouring properties."

The proposed floor space ratio of 0.516:1 exceeds the maximum of 0.5:1.

Red Apple Design consultant Ms Sandra Trad said that, if the design was reduced to comply, "the result would be insufficient room sizes and non-functional layouts".

A western setback of 1.178 metes is proposed, which is less than the minimum of 1.285 metres.

"The development has had to take into consideration the sewer location on the eastern boundary, offsetting the whole development 2.4 metres off that side," the application states.

The application comments on solar access, stating: "The living areas and private open space to unit one have a north-eastern orientation and therefore receive the minimum amount of sunlight required.

"Unit two living areas and private open spaces have a north-western orientation and receive the required minimum exposure to sunlight between 12 and 3pm."

The application concluded that the proposal would "create a functional development with high levels of amenity both for the end user and those it neighbours".

"The proposal when complete will add vibrancy and character to the streetscape."

Ms Trad said: "It adds diversity, availability and affordability to the current housing stock."

Neither the application nor the Council's planning portal gave an estimated building cost nor an expected sale price for the units.

However, the Milligan house has been listed as selling for $1.785 million in March last year.

The application is currently open for submissions, but the closing date is not listed on the Council's website.

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