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Collapse Issue 562:<br />6 Feb 2023<br />_____________Issue 562:
6 Feb 2023
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Men's Shed soon to apply for occupancy certificate

Umina Beach Men's Shed expects to apply for an occupancy certificate for its new shed in Osborne Ave "in the next few weeks", according to secretary Mr Vic Brown.

"We will be approaching Central Coast Council, which is the certifier for the new shed.

"The action plan for relocation of the equipment, materials and members will then commence," he said.

"As relocations tend to be disruptive to normal activities, a plan and timetable will be advised across the membership in an effort to limit any side-effects."

Mr Brown said the Shed's members were currently meeting and working on their projects at the existing Shed in Birdwood Ave, while the new Shed was being completed.

"Construction has been underway for some months now.

"The new premises will provide a larger and more suitable and practical work and social areas than the existing premises which has been the home of the Umina Beach Men's Shed since its initial start-up a little over 10 years ago.

"The new facility will comfortably provide larger and safer working areas for the members." He said the Shed was open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

Some members attended most days. Others attended weekly or once a month, he said.

"Given the average age profile, many have grandparent duties, medical appointments and caravans and camping trips to also attend to.

"Given our overall membership numbers, the overall actual daily attendance at the Shed generally provides a good range of skills, knowledge and social interaction on site.

"Members once settled into the Shed's activities are generally very caring for each other, and form good friendship."

He said the Shed's theme was: "The little Shed with the big heart".

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