Researcher holds second native bee workshop
Sydney University native bee researcher Dr Francisco Garcia Bulle Bueno will present a second native bee workshop at the Pearl Beach Arboretum on Sunday, November 7, at 1pm.
Dr Bulle Bueno studies at the Behaviour and Genetics of Social Insects Laboratory at the School of Life and Environmental Science at the University of Sydney
"Since the native bee workshop we held in June was received so well with requests to run another one, the Pearl Beach Arboretum are pleased to announce that Francisco will be returning to the Arboretum," said Arboretum vice-president Ms Ann Parsons.
"We invite our members, friends and the general public to attend the event, Covid restrictions permitting.
"To cover our costs and to raise funds, we are asking non-members to contribute $20 per person.
"For members, it's free and there is also an option to make a donation."
For further information and bookings, visit the arboretum website at
Social media, 17 Oct 2021
Ann Parsons, Pearl Beach Arboretum