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Collapse Issue 506:<br />02 Nov 2020<br />_____________Issue 506:
02 Nov 2020
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Diggers announces financial recovery

Despite a substantial downturn in profits in the last financial year, Ettalong Diggers Club has announced that It was in a strong financial position and was able to assist other clubs on the Peninsula.

Diggers' general manager Mr Bill Jackson said, in his report to the club's annual meeting on October 25, that, over the last seven years, the club had seven successful trading years.

"Having now taken control of our operations within the club's current footprint and having consolidated our financial situation and reduced our total debt to a more realistic amount, we feel that the time is now right for this club to step up and help our community protect the assets that have been built up over many years across several sites on the Peninsula," Mr Jackson said.

"This assistance can take any form, not always amalgamation, that ensures the assets that have been built up on the Peninsula remain under the control of the Peninsula community," he said.

"We will also continue to work collaboratively with other local businesses to realise savings that cannot be achieved as individual businesses," he said.

"This covers many areas, but energy costs, insurances and these types of expenses present as the most likely to benefit all stakeholders."

He said that, during the past two years, Ettalong Diggers' involvement with the community had expanded "to being involved beside the community with respect to the passenger ferry services and access to Brisbane Water via Ettalong Channel and Little Box Head".

"We have assisted in the formation of the Peninsula Waterways Committee which is chaired by Michael Allsop of Killcare and his capable committee who are fighting for the benefit of the Peninsula and Brisbane Water."

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