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Collapse Issue 486:<br />20 Jan 2020<br />_____________Issue 486:
20 Jan 2020
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Councillors need to say no to destruction of our lifestyle

The refusal of our councillors to vote against the totally non-complying development at 145 Blackwall Rd is not a foot in the door.

It is the opening of the floodgates.

Not one of the 26 submissions objecting to the development were even considered by them to be worthy of their consideration.

From now on, every single dwelling block that hits the market will be snapped up and immediately be the subject of another such outrageous development application.

Take time to read the front page of Peninsula News edition 484 and read how big this thing really is.

Sorry, I forgot about the statement by Council staff that this building design has "architectural interest".

Possibly it's a long lost Jorn Utzon with sails or maybe an undiscovered Frank Lloyd Wright.

Being such a wonderful attraction, visitors from all over the world will bring economic benefits to our small town.

Also, more fighting for parking spaces on an already very busy main thoroughfare.

Also, the variation was compensated by "adequate boundary landscaping" and the proximity of a public recreational space 550m away.

Perhaps they could explain how all this wonderful work will be achieved when the proposal has only eight per cent open space when 25 per cent is recommended.

The bulk and scale of the development will adversely affect a large number of residents to its south who currently enjoy views as far as the hills on the far side of the Bays area.

All we will see after its completion is somebody's blank wall.

Now consider a similar monstrosity only a metre from your side fence.

Gone forever is your privacy, your sunlight and your lifestyle.

Instead of two or three neighbours prepare for as many20 to 30, and that is before they build another one on the other side.

Good luck in selling your house.

Who would want to live there now?

Do our councillors care?

As two out of the three don't even live here, I don't think they are really worried as long as such approvals are not permitted in their suburb.

Bring on the September elections and some candidates who are prepared to say no to further destruction of our lifestyle and represent what we, the people of the Peninsula, really want.

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