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Collapse Issue 473 - 08 Jul 2019Issue 473 - 08 Jul 2019
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Comments sought on Bouddi park management plan

National Parks and Wildlife Service is seeking public comments on a draft plan of management for Bouddi National Park.

Public exhibition of the draft plan provides an opportunity for the community to have a say in the future management of Bouddi National Park.

The national park is the only national park in NSW that includes marine ocean environments and takes in Maitland Bay, Rileys Bay and Tallow Beach, relatively natural catchments which the report notes are rare in the Sydney and Central Coast regions.

Significant landscape includes Box Head, Bombi Point and Mourawaring Point.

The draft plan was prepared as two separate documents: a background paper on "draft planning considerations" and the draft plan of management itself.

The draft states that Bouddi National Park is significant because of its natural and cultural values.

The park lies within the traditional Country of the Guringai and Darkinjung people. More than 70 Aboriginal sites containing more than 200 objects have been recorded in the park and nearby areas.

It includes diverse landscapes from beaches and steep cliffs through to rainforest and heathland. The coastline in Bouddi National Park has spectacular rocky-cliff headlands, rock platforms, bays, beaches, barrier dunes and lagoons. It includes 287 hectares of ocean floor and overlying offshore waters known as the Bouddi Marine Extension.

There are significant nature-based tourism and recreational opportunities in Bouddi National Park including camping, fishing, beach activities, bushwalking including the Bouddi Coastal Walk, mountain bike riding, birdwatching, photography and nature study.

Over 600 plant species within 22 vegetation communities have been recorded within the park, including five threatened plant species and many others of regional conservation significance.

The diversity of habitats in the park supports populations of 275 native vertebrate species: 135 bird species, 49 mammals (including five marine mammals), 30 reptiles, 11 frogs and more than 50 fish. Of these, 34 species are listed as threatened under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

After the plan of management is adopted, all operations and activities in the park must be in line with the plan.

The report notes the current plan of management was approved in 1985.

The draft plan has been updated to take account of new information and plans guiding fire, pest, weed and threatened species management. This new plan of management includes new areas gazetted as part of the park since the last plan.

The new plan proposes to deliver a mountain bike plan which may be implemented after environmental assessment and public exhibition.

It aims to investigate and protect important clay heathlands and threatened ecological communities.

It expects to improve management of the Bouddi Marine Extension.

It seeks to add further management, protection and interpretation of Aboriginal values and sites in consultation with the Aboriginal community.

It proposes to protect shared historic sites including relic non-invasive exotic species.

It aims to monitor for the impacts of sea level rise and respond where possible.

It supports volunteer involvement in the management of the park.

It proposes better use and enjoyment of park facilities including an iconic coastal walk.

The draft plan of management is on public exhibition until September 30 and anyone can review the plan of management and provide comments.

At the end of the public exhibition period, the Service will review submissions and may make changes to the draft plan before it goes to the Central Coast Regional Advisory Committee and the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council for finalisation.

The plan of management is finalised when the Minister formally adopts the plan under the National Parks and Wildlife Act

Hard copies are available for viewing at Maitland Bay Visitor Information Centre, The Scenic Road, Killcare Heights and Umina Beach Library, Corner West and Bullion Streets, Umina Beach.

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