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Collapse Issue 438 - 12 Feb 2018Issue 438 - 12 Feb 2018
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Waterfront group calls for withdrawal of Sporties' plans

Save Woy Woy Waterfront has called for the withdrawal of the application to redevelop Woy Woy Sporties into seniors' housing if a proposal goes ahead to merge the club with the Ettalong Bowling Club.

Mr Ross Cochrane of Save Woy Woy Waterfront said he had written to all 15 Central Coast councillors, State Member for Gosford Ms Liesl Tesch and Federal Member for Robertson Ms Lucy Wicks, calling on them to take action to stop the proposed development.

"The proposal to redevelop Woy Woy Sporties into 63 seniors' living units can only happen under State Environmental Planning Policy 14 on the condition there is a Licensed Club because of its RE2 zoning," Mr Cochrane said.

"Although the proposal as submitted in the DA shows a fanciful underground bowling green, it would still somehow classify," he said.

"A recent development has been a proposal for Woy Woy Sporties to merge with Ettalong Bowling Club.

"The proposal would see the complete closure of the club in its current location moved to Ettalong Bowling Club, the surrender of the liquor licence and immediate closure of Woy Woy Sporties.

"Woy Woy Bowling Club would cease to exist in all but name.

"This would make the current DA invalid as it is obvious that there is no intention of using the current site for community recreation and it is being done purely on a speculative basis to further on-sell the club to Sydney or International developers.

"This DA cannot be approved knowing that the licenced club will close straight away.

"The Sporties is 85 years old.

"Generations of Peninsula residents have used these facilities.

"It is being run into the ground financially so as to facilitate its closure.

"All attempts by the members to improve its financial standing are being blocked and dismissed.

"This development should not be some borderline decision as it is not a proposal for 63 residential units in the heart of Gosford or Woy Woy.

"These are community facilities, in a community precinct which when lost to housing units will never be regained for the residents."

Mr Cochrane said he believed the community had clearly demonstrated deficiencies with the proposed redevelopment of the site including a "lack of comprehensive geotechnical study, traffic management and flood plans".

"This development should never even have made it past a Council pre DA meeting.

"If this DA is approved there will be no justification to reject any DA on RE2 land anywhere on the Coast."

The Woy Woy Sporties board of directors has not yet put the proposal to merge with Ettalong Bowling Club to a vote of its members.

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