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Collapse Issue 437 - 29 Jan 2018Issue 437 - 29 Jan 2018
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Registered club promotes responsible drinking

A local registered club has been promoting a new responsible drinking campaign in the lead-up to Australia Day.

According to Club Umina, the

Club Umina promoted Roads and Maritime Services anti-drink driving campaign, Plan B, said club manager Mr Paddy Quigg.

"Plan B promotes a clear message to patrons and the local and broader communities for the need to actively consider an alternative way home when out drinking with family and friends," he said.

"All bar staff of Club Umina exchanged their traditional club uniform for black t-shirts with the message 'RBT means you need a Plan B' and actively promote the message to patrons face to face and with the aid of social media.

"The Club intends to stage and promote such events throughout 2018 as a clear message that Club Umina does not promote or condone drink driving," he said.

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