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Collapse Issue 437 - 29 Jan 2018Issue 437 - 29 Jan 2018
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Would road repairs spoil 'vast eternal plan'?

Back in May, Central Coast Council announced it would conduct a survey of residents requesting information about the worst roads and biggest potholes in the area.

Having had experience of both the old and the new Councils over 30 years, I was a little sceptical and said so in your May 15 edition 419.

I suggested that this was nothing more than a stalling exercise to buy time, that nothing was going to happen and we would continue to have the worst roads and the biggest potholes in NSW.

Some friends said I was being harsh and to give the new mob a chance.

Well, they have had nine months and we have heard nothing and we have seen very little action.

Unfortunately, I was not included in the survey, so was unable to give my two bob's worth but surely anyone who drives along Blackwall Rd from Victoria St to the railway station can feel the pitiful condition it is in.

This is not some little back street but the main thoroughfare of our town and is used by thousands every day to go to work, go shopping, visit financial institutions or just enjoy a cup of coffee and a chat with a friend.

One wonders what visitors to Woy Woy think as they thump and bump their way over this goat-track.

We have pride in our town and this is the welcome we have for them.

First impressions are lasting impressions.

Would it "spoil some vast eternal plan" if one night workers descended from on high and resurfaced it.

I know a lot of people would be very happy not to have their car being damaged, if this were done.

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